This issue begins with the words, “The preacher is dead.” But the truth is that a new kind of preaching is already being resurrected. These 30 sermons speak from a place of liberation, subversion, and everyday divinity. Let’s open our ears and listen.
- Regulars
Editorial: The death of the preacher
8 - Letters 10
Sinner’s Corner: All steamed up
14 -
Snakes & Ladders [comic]
15 -
The Pastor’s Wife: I doubt I imparted wisdom
16 -
Anarcrow: Sinners in the hands of an angry bird [comic]
17 - Give Preach A Chance
- The sermon is still needed 20
- A radical homiletic 22
Too much social media? Get real
26 -
Salvage the sermon
28 -
The Glass Box Project
35 -
1. Do I believe?
32 -
2. The sacrament of mockery
33 -
3. oh god – why
33 -
4. It’s changing
33 -
5. I quit
34 -
6. The Great Commission
36 -
7. The transparent missionary
37 -
8. A 9-year-old perceives with clarity
38 -
9. Living in the Shadow of the Cross (snippet)
39 -
10. A ‘GPS’ for acceptance
40 -
11. The Year of the Flood (snippet)
41 -
12. If I ever were allowed to speak
42 -
13. Let your ‘yes’ include a ‘no’
43 -
14. There goes my reputation
45 -
15. Jesus Christ: Vision Quester
46 -
16. ‘Tell them a parable’
47 -
17. Shut up!
48 -
18. Radical marriage restores vineyards
49 -
19. Falling Upwards (snippet)
50 -
20. Unsanitary liberation [First place]
51 -
21. Daring despairing [Third place]
52 -
22. One tweet sermon
54 -
23. On ‘real’ Christians and Christian privilege
55 -
24. A universe of voices
56 -
25. Don’t just spiritualize the wilderness
56 -
26. Trans-forming faith
57 -
27. An abandoner feels shame
58 -
28. Letter to my 19-year-old self
59 -
29. When all is lost, what is found? [Second place]
60 -
30. The posthumous sermon of F. H.
78 - Culturosities 18
- Twitter indulgences
- Climate name change campaign is hilarious . . . and maybe even effective
- MLK, Jr. inspired by Mahalia Jackson
- Experiments 64
- Radical roadtrip
- Pipe cleaner play
- Bike-cation
- Civil Disobedience 66
- Idle No More monitored
- Moral Majority protesters face jail
- Catholic sisters resist pipeline
- Defending Edward Snowden
- News
- Feministry 70
- Women and Wiki
- Written out
- Christian Peacemaker Teams 71
- Oil vs. vineyards
- Shale gas vs. berries
- Palm oil vs. villagers
- Catholic Worker 72
- Direct action farming
- Hollywood to St. Joseph’s House
- The rainbow page 73
- Westboro hates Ke$ha
- Chick-fil-A hates gays
- Reviews 76
- Does Jesus Really Love Me?
- The Frontman: Bono
- The Intentional Christian Community Handbook
- Passionate Embrace
- Blessed Are the Consumers