- Free study guide (4-page PDF)
- Web Exclusive
Eyes to See
- Regulars
Editorial: Opening words with our Guest Editors
4 - Letters 64
Sinner's Corner
67 -
31 - Poetry
The Haunting
17 -
a son of the forest, still
22 -
we are just: INDIAN WOMAN
78 - Decolonization
6 -
A Treaty is a Gift
10 -
Ten Totally Transparent Settler Excuses
12 -
Where Post-colonial and Pre-colonial Thought Touch
16 -
Language Conveys Respect
18 -
Women's Jurisdiction is Still Here
20 -
Language as the Root of Ojibwe Knowledge
24 -
Interwoven: A Story of Healing a Fractured Identity
28 -
Colonizer and Colonized
30 -
Settler 'Response-Ability'
32 -
Anti-Apartheid and Decolonization in Canada and Palestine
36 -
Truth Like Water
40 -
Know the Gospel in Your Gut
42 -
Watershed Knowledge Aids Reconciliation
45 -
Decolonizing the Index
46 -
C’mon Sci-fi, Help Us Imagine Diversity
48 - Public Art 49
Gitskan Lessons
50 -
Different Drummer, Same Beat
52 -
Integrity Comes at a Financial Cost
55 - Resources for Further Reading 62
- Sections
- Experiments 68
- Living Alone Taught Me How to Live With Others
- Geez Inspires Reader to Give up Phone for Lent
- Computer-free Study More Efficient
- Civil Disobedience 72
- From Russia with Love
- New Zealand Priest Protests Free-trade Agreement
- Protesting the Canonization
- Canada’s Patriot Act
- Feministry 74
- My Stealthy Freedom
- Catcalling-free Zones Declared
- Church Institutes Gender Policy
- Women Read from Jewish Holy Text
- Christian Peacemaker Teams 75
- Kurdish Update
- Safe Walk
- New Name
- Catholic Worker 76
- Nonviolence Being Served in Baltimore
- Bix Joins the Ancestors
- Catholic Workers go to Jail Protesting Religious Laws
- The Rainbow Page 77
- Republic of Ireland Votes “Yes” on Gay Marriage
- The Number of U.S. Christians Declines, but for the Gay Religious, it’s a Different Story
- Lesbian, Bi, Teens More Likely to get Pregnant: Study