This issue reminisces and reflects on ten years of holy mischief, experiments with truth, sermons you’d never hear in church, strategies of social change, screen resistance tips, bias busters, secrets from crows, and t-shirts with tiny cryptic Bible references. It’s been a wild ride and we’re grateful to have you along with us!
- Regulars
Editorial: A Realm of Amazement is Near
- Letters 62
Sinner's Corner
65 -
44 - Feature Material
A brief (non-exhaustive)history of Geez
6 -
The Geez Board Approvesof Mischief
10 -
Design and Geez Magazine
12 -
Reverent Smirk: A LookBack at the Early Geez
14 -
A Time to Scatter Stones
19 -
Remaining Rooted
22 -
Who is This Strange Man?
27 -
Self-Discovery by Way ofBlunders
30 -
From the Poetry Editor
32 -
The Carnival Spirit Snubs theVoices of Civilization
36 -
Spaces for our Stories
40 -
Slow Down
43 -
Selected Letters from Readers
46 -
The Dim Ages [artwork]
48 -
Outsider Media Gets the Love
50 -
Times are Always Hard
52 -
The Nonviolent MovementNeeds Everyone
54 -
She is Breathing: Listeningfor Another World and anEnd to Empire
66 -
From the Experiments Editor
66 - Poetry
From Oilywood
34 -
35 - Sections
- Experiments 66
Turn of the Tap for Shoal Lake
DIY Wire Compost Bin
Mending Circle as Art-making
Civil Disobedience
71 - Pope's eco statements inspire protest
- Oregon Water Deal pits Nestle vs. Local Indigenous Groups
- Canadian Pacifist Refuses to Pay Portion of Taxes for Military
- Protest Arms Trade in England
- Unist'ot'en Raid Avoided
74 - Yemeni Women Cycle for Rights
- Abortion Drones
- Bells Tol for Missing and Murdered Women
Christian Peacemaker Teams
75 - Iraqi Kurdistan
- Indigenous Solidarity
- Days of Prayer in Colombia
Catholic Worker
76 - Honoured for Church Protests
- 'Transform Now Ploughshares' gets Good News
- 13 Arrested Holding Pope's Encyclical
The Rainbow Page
77 - Embrace the Incomprehensible