Animal Being

Issue 38, Summer 2015

Issue 38

How do we relate to the animal beings around us? And what does this mean about our own sense of being human? This issue explores the complexities of eating meat, having pets, and engaging with the wild creatures around us.

  • Web Exclusive
  • Divinanimality
    David Driedger
  • Regulars
  • Editorial: Let’s Find Connections with Other Beings
    Aiden Enns 5
  • Letters 66
  • Sinner's Corner
    Margot Starbuck 69
  • Comic
    Justin Petkau 19
  • Pastor’s Wife: The Church of the Fish Taco
    Carrie S. Martin 32
  • Comic
    Justin Petkau 53
  • Poetry
  • Eagle at Third Beach
    Veronica Gaylie 17
  • The Call
    Todd Wynward 22
  • Animal Being
  • Elephant Encounter
    Josina Guess 6
  • Animals as Healers
    Kathy Dueck 8
  • The Life You Save May Be Your Own
    Heather Mercer 10
  • Nine Animal Lessons
    Rachel Barber 12
  • En Route to Heaven
    Byron Rempel-Burkholder 18
  • Gentle Homesteading
    Laura Grace Weldon 20
  • Catholic Worker Animals
    Eric Anglada 23
  • Geez Debate: Should Humans Eat Non-Humans?
    Jonathan Shipley, Jake Olzen, and Robert C. Jones 26
  • The Bible is for the Birds
    Michael Gilmour 30
  • Children's story: Anna, Kacie and the Coyotes
    Aiden Enns, illustrated by Darryl Brown 33
  • Trans Veganism
    Calvin Neufeld 50
  • Interview with Carol J. Adams
    James Wilt 54
  • Watershed Adaptation
    Todd Wynward 60
  • Zoos Represent What We’re Trying to Save
    Tripp York 61
  • Wool Binds Us Together
    Tif McNaughton 63
  • Resources for Further Reading 64
  • Still Life in Dead Wood
    Robert Rowen-Herzog 78
  • Kindness Matters
    Juanita Klassen 80
  • Sections
  • Experiments 70
  • DIY Coffee Roasting
  • Track Your Cycle
  • Dumpster Diving 101
  • Civil Disobedience 72
  • The Patience of a Saint
  • Staggeringly High Food Prices in Canada’s North Draw Protests
  • Australia Day Celebrations Interrupted by Indigenous Protestors
  • Charges Dropped Against Pipeline Protestors
  • Feministry 74
  • Firing Ruling Upheld
  • Mosque for Women
  • Diversity Celebrated in New Website
  • #hashtagactivism
  • Christian Peacemaker Teams 75
  • Illegal Eviction
  • Border Troubles
  • Project Bringing Hope and Fun
  • Catholic Worker 76
  • Kathy Kelly at it again
  • Commemorating 13 Years
  • The Rainbow Page 77
  • Former Anti-Gay Religious Leader Plans Work with Pro-Gay Group
  • U.S. Supreme Court will Decide Whether Gays Have Right to Marry
  • In First Things, Catholics and Evangelicals Band Together Against Marriage

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