In the beginning, a river watering the garden flowed from Eden. Exiled from land, gone to some industrial, virtual space, we can return. We can accept our ignorance. We can acknowledge our need to care for our base of support.
- Web Exclusive
Riding Humbly with God and Others
- Regulars
Editorial: We are Water, Let's Swim
11 -
63 - Letters 64
Sinner's Corner
67 - Feature Material
Watershed Discipleship: Re-Imagining Ecological Theology and Practice
8 -
Watersheds I have Known
17 -
Intimacy of Love and Land: Watershed Discipleship and the Vocation of Marriage
18 -
This World is not our Home? Reconsidering what the Bible has to say about Environmental Care
20 -
This Earth is Resilient: An Interview with Dan Spencer
26 -
Nine Mile Run
33 -
Public Harmony with Nature
36 -
Black to the Land
38 -
Watershed and World
45 -
Water Witness
46 -
New Zealand Watershed
48 -
Baby Carrots are the New Natural: A Rant in Seven Parts
50 -
A Locavore's Dilemma
52 -
Some Ethics around Foraging
54 -
The Local Marsh is our Classroom
56 -
Rivers of Deliverance, Rivers of Lament
57 -
Doing our Part
58 -
Bonnie's Ditch
59 -
60 -
Over Your Dead Body
61 -
Resources for Further Reading on Watershed Discipleship
62 - Poetry
Learning to Return
11 - Sections
- Experiments 68
To Keep or not to Keep
Watershed Walk
DIY: Feed the Birds
Civil Disobedience
72 - Climate Change Protests Proceed in Paris Despite City-wide Ban
- Multiple Pipeline Protests Temporarily Shut Down Transport of Dilbit Extracted from Oilsands
- Pope Francis Mentions Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton in Speech to Congress
- Mall of America Sues Black Lives Matter Portesters
75 - #notadistraction
- Campaign against Gender Violence Launched
- Faith Groups Stand with Planned Parenthood
Christian Peacemaker Teams
76 - Haudenosaunee Hunt
- Broken Peace
- Migrant Matters
Catholic Worker
77 - Catholic Workers at the Gates of Guantanamo