What if our educational systems were set up to teach us to honour life and the places where we live? In this issue, we set out to try and find a different way to “do school.”
- Regulars
Editorial: Learn what you like
8 -
Anarcrow: Taxing taxonomy [comic]
48 -
Less likely to go to college [comic]
52 - Letters 56
- Sinner’s Corner: Self-righteous self-denial 60
Guest column: Never say never
61 -
The Pastor’s Wife: Home churches are weird
62 - Poetry
Say (246 km)
27 -
35 - Redoing Schooling
9 -
School and unschool: A brief timeline
10 -
Digest of living dissenters
16 -
In defense of the learning commons
24 -
What about power?
24 -
A new learning commons
25 -
Freedom isn’t free: The cost of religious homeschooling
30 -
Encounter subtlety
34 -
Contemplation and action
36 -
In praise of Holy Wisdom
41 -
How to queer your educational experience
45 -
Tenure tracks
46 -
The unschooled seminarian
47 -
Bonhoeffer, professionalism and the future
49 -
Learning to protest
53 -
Don’t be good
54 - What I learned
At twelve
14 -
Rigorous regimen
22 -
Try reverence
23 -
quiet life
28 -
Forget it, teacher
29 -
42 -
No wonder
43 -
Baby trains baby
50 -
The enforcer resigns
51 - Experiments 63
- DIY curriculum
- Student-designed schooling
- Culturosities 64
- Big Mistake University
- Ivan Illich
- Homeschooling mixtape
- Civil Disobedience 68
- Pink smoke at the Vatican
- Guns rights advocates resort to peaceful protest
- Sierra Club arrested
- News
- Feministry 72
- Wear pants to church day
- Pregnant woman fired by Christian college
- Christian Peacemaker Teams 73
- Remembering Halabja poison gas attack
- 2nd US invasion of Iraq
- Tom Fox, Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall
- Catholic Worker 74
- 80th anniversary
- Witness against torture
- The rainbow page 75
- New Directions takes a new direction
- Boy Scouts boycott
- Mega pastor supports marriage equality
- Reviews
- The Devil and Pierre Gernet 76
- Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt
- The Cross in the Closet