How do we acknowledge our privilege(s) without getting stuck in guilt in shame? Unfortunately, there is no step-by-step guide. But this issue attempts to generate ideas, hold each other accountable, and all the while fumble for love.
- Regulars
Turn outward, listen, fumble for love
6 - Letters 8
Sinner's corner: my gluttonous tendancies
12 -
Pastor's wife takes hubby to church
14 -
The soapboxer: the sound of white
15 - Poetry
28 -
34 -
Civilization 1
54 - Culturosities
Exterior designer builds 'green' couch
16 -
Twelve months of biblical womanhood, an interview
17 -
Old Geezers: Curtis Mayfield, 'The Preacher'
18 - Auto Acolyte 19
- Naming our privilege
A walk in the dim valley
22 -
The Crusades: Then and Now
24 -
The way the cookie crumbles
26 -
Wastelands of our privilege
29 -
The expectation gap
32 -
Entitlement, huh, wha?
33 -
Isn't privilege just for white people?
35 -
Rebel-mother-priest-activist: A homily
36 -
Healing can come from the land
40 -
Staying put: resisting missional mobility
44 -
Racist cucumber
47 -
Behind the activist celebrities is a league of great women
48 -
The stones we carry
50 -
Steps to decolonize the white mind and soul
51 -
Privilege is a megaphone I lend to the poor
52 - A tool to help dodge guy-centric cinema 53
Moving up, coming out, moving on
56 -
The art of bathing
59 -
Some principles for white anti-racist work
60 - Experiments
Criss-cross country carbon sabbath
62 - Cycle-in cinema 63
- Handmade light bulbs 64
My year-long internet fast
64 -
Experiment failure: the compost toilet
65 - Civil Disobedience
Tarred and arrested
66 -
Subversion meets submersion
67 - 40-foot inflatable missle protest 67
Occupy wall street
68 -
Italian town stands up to Rome
69 -
Midwest rising
69 - News
- Heal America, tax Wall Street 70
- Food fight! 70
Evangelical school cancels breakfast with Bush
71 -
'Protest chaplains' shepherd movement's spiritual side
72 - Reviews
Strange negotiations
74 -
Harnessing the soul for the marketplace
75 -
Captivity: 118 Days in Iraq and the Struggle for a World Without War
75 -
Red Heat: Conspiracy, Murder, and the Cold War in the Caribbean
76 -
A fun book on the devil