Time functions as a commodity. You have some, I have some, and we can trade it for money. We see ourselves as having limited units of time. Efficiency, productivity, scarcity- these market tendencies have infected our social relations.
Editorial: If Time is Fleeting, Care While We Can
6 - 1) Pay Attention
Attending to Idleness
13 -
Boredom is Expansive
16 -
Did You See the Birds?
18 -
Remembering the Future
20 - 2) Taste the Flavour
Public Solitude
24 -
Cyclical Time
25 -
A Taste of Eternity
26 -
A Brilliant Present
27 -
Sharing Time
28 -
The Loneliest Month
29 -
Backyard Time
30 -
Pregnant Time
31 - 3) Welcome The Tedium
Eating Together Takes (a long) Time
34 -
Water Thoughts in a Staggered Shower
39 -
Skinny Jeans Protest
41 -
Lettuce Age
42 -
Every True Confession Begets Change
44 -
Leisure is Restful Learning
45 -
Mending, Thrifting, and Other Acts of Resistance
46 -
Sabbath Time Being
49 - 4) Find Rejuvenation
Reflections from a Liturgical Seasons Geek
52 -
Contemplation Sustains Action
54 -
My Slow Progress Towards Compassion
55 -
Digital Compassion Fatigue
56 -
Fireside Stories Can Calm White Angst
58 -
Solidarity Grants Mutual Rest
60 -
'De-Alienate' Yourself from Space and Time
64 - Reviews
Raw New Album Cuts through the Crap
- Web Exclusive
Some Write in Ten Minute Chunks
- Regulars
21 - Letters 68
- Sections
- Resources 67
- Experiments 72
Civil Disobedience
74 - Hundreds of Religious Congregations Join 'Sanctuary Rising' Movement
- Protest outside Supreme Court Over Death Penalty Results in 18 Arrests
- Streets of Sudan Capital Enemy in 'Stay-at-Home' Strike Against Government
- Five Anti-Nuke Protesters Cite Freedom of Religion in Defence
Christian Peacemaker Teams
77 - Colombia
- Iraqi Kurdistan
- Occupied Palestine
- Indigenous People's Solidarity
78 - Ordination Ban Continues
- Thousands protest wage gap
- Women-only mosque service
Catholic Worker
79 - Pipeline protests and solidarity with Indigenous water protectors
- Poetry
12 -
Early Rising at Roblin Lake
40 - Photo Feature
Process: Print from Film