We live in empire and empire lives in us. This issue asks: how do we divest and detach ourselves from its grip?
Editorial: I Question the Benefits of Empire
6 - Feature Material
To my White Evangelical Friends and Family in the U.S.
10 -
Dignity and Love become Threads of Belief
12 -
The Best Worst Time I Was Almost Thrown out of a Christian Summer Sports Camp
14 -
The Death Knell of Christianity
17 -
Sexual Liberation of the Post-Evangelical
20 -
Home no More: Chronicles from Pioneer Camp Alumni
22 -
When I Pushed, They Didn't Budge: An Interview with Elijah Walker
29 -
How to Leave
30 -
32 -
When it Sticks
34 -
Broken Connections,Whole Choices
35 -
The Fling Itself
38 -
Reflections on Anti-Oppression Work in North America: An Interview with Sarah Thompson
42 -
Welcoming the Strangerin Need
44 -
The Simone Way: A Personal Journal
45 -
'No One Wants to be a Refugee' An Interview with Yahya Samatar
48 -
Hidden Figures: Guards Whites Feelings (movie review)
56 -
Fresh Starts and Broken Systems
64 -
Some Principles for White Anti-Racist Work
66 - Photos
If Black Lives Matter We Should . . .
7 -
Long Way from Home
15 - Comics
Born Again (again): A Christian Detox Game
24 -
52 - Regulars
- Letters
Civil Disobedience
72 - Christian Leaders Protest Trump's Budget Plan
- Smiling Woman Beat Back Far-Right Islamophobes
- Sanctuary Church Concept Continues to Spread
- More than 1,000 Filipino Catholics Protest Extrajudicial Killings
- Catholics in Arkansas Continue to Pray Against Capital Punishment
- Prominent Black Preacher Calls for "Season of Civil Disobedience"
Christian Peacemaker Teams
75 - Hebron
- Colombia
- Indigenous Solidarity
- Iraq
76 - More Female Pastors in the United States
- Orthodox Women Banned from Leadership
- Free Ride-Shares Offered to Women
Catholic Worker
77 - Mass Blocked in a Minnesota Church
- Washington, London
- Vandalizing War Memorial
- Poetry
Mama Pine
26 -
37 -