Where are all the peace activists? We hear stories of folks working for peace against the odds, resisting the call to arms. We seek to disarm violent hearts, detach from systems of oppression, and practice economics of the sacred.
- Regulars
Editorial: Positive peace
8 - Letters 10
Sinner’s Corner: Nothing to confess
14 -
Fun with guns [comic]
15 -
The Pastor’s Wife: Peace starts with the socks
16 -
Guest column: An inconvenient commandment
17 - Poetry
Mind the war
39 -
Peace, unlike
59 - Section 1: Refrain from further violence
the cost of peace
25 -
Do you see what I see?
26 -
Memorial for deserters
29 -
Ten Reasons for hope
30 -
Pacifism is still possible
32 - Section 2: Detach from systems of oppression
The tail lights fade
36 -
Woman in Black
37 -
Shooting stars
40 -
Looking at the wounded
42 -
44 -
How to love your neighbour
45 -
Community is the heart of nonviolence
46 -
Moral jeopardy
47 - Section 3: Foster positive peace
Contemplation leads to peace
50 -
A disparate peace
52 -
Gunshots in Las Pavas
53 -
A conversation with John Dear
54 -
Costa Rica’s unarmed democracy
60 -
Economics of the sacred
62 -
64 -
Hope keeps me breathing
65 -
Seven sacred works for young activists
67 - Web Exclusive
Lightning Peace
- Culturosities 18
- Judy Da Silva
- AK-47s into ploughshares
- Hate mail origami
- RoboGandhi
- Experiments 68
- Playing with peace
- Art bike
- DIY veggie stock
- Civil Disobedience 70
- School closure protests
- Moral politics
- Climate justice activist released
- News
- Feministry 74
- Conservative sexual ethics lead ?to passivity
- Tibetan nuns gain ground
- Christian Peacemaker Teams 75
- Land struggles in Columbia
- Lakota resist Keystone XL
- Israel clamps down at border
- Catholic Worker 76
- Bradley Manning vigil
- Parking-lot oasis
- LGBT* 77
- Catholic school board votes against intolerance
- Catholic school fires lesbian teacher
- Reviews 78
- My Bright Abyss
- The Kingdom and the Glory
- Beautiful Trouble
- All is Grace