CO₂conspirators: Communing with Trees

Issue 57, Summer 2020

Issue 57

In this extended issue, we give space for trees to hold our weary beings. In this time of great uncertainty and change, the trees keep finding us here – wherever we may be.

  • Trees as Kin
  • I Asked the Redwoods
    Nichola Torbett 12
  • My Daughter Belongs to a Family of Trees
    Annie Rim 14
  • Becoming-with Birch
    Adrian M. Downey 17
  • Sycamore Initiation
    James W. Perkinson 19
  • Eco-Identity Activity
    Ruth Wilson 20
  • The Giving Tree or the Greedy Boy?
    Theo Kayser 21
  • Trees as Prophet
  • When the Entwives Return
    Kyla Neufeld 24
  • Radical Rootedness
    Kim Redigan 26
  • In the Beginning, There was an Ash
    Kelly Pflug-Back 27
  • The Tree that Fell in the Forest
    Avery Lamb 29
  • Trees as Medicine
  • Instructions for Being with Trees
    Dee Dee Risher, illustrated by Erin Cutler 33
  • Tree Medicine
    Chrystal Waban 36
  • Homestead-Style Maple Syrup
    Lenae Chambers 38
  • Trees as Haven
  • The Tree My Brother Fell From
    Samantha Butler 42
  • The Prayer Tree
    Joseph Farnes 43
  • To Settle the Soil
    Jonathan Dyck 44
  • In One Good Tree, Ten Thousand Birds May Rest
    Breanna Randall 46
  • A Thin Place- Lessons Learned from the Leaven Center
    An Interview with Melanie Morrison and Joe Reilly 47
  • The Gray-Green Divide
    Leslie Sinclair 49
  • Trees as Witness
  • Where the Concrete Cracks
    Frank Scoffield Nellessen 52
  • The Trees are on Our Side
    Grace Aheron 55
  • If Every Cemetery was a Forest
    Katie Munnik 56
  • Trees as Beings
  • The Tree of Heaven
    D.L. Mayfield 60
  • How to Protect that Which We Cannot Name
    Kyra Hanson 62
  • Small Stones
    Cara Unger Hart 64
  • Rooted in a Changing World: A One Player Game
    Roberta Taylor 65
  • Regulars
  • Masthead 6
  • Editorial 8
  • Letters 6
  • Upcoming Issues 70
  • Poetry
  • Second Window
    Ambrose Mary Gallagher 41
  • What are Trees for? Lines for a Grandchild
    John Terpstra 63
  • Sections
  • Elderword
    Ched Myers 9
  • The White Men’s Column
    Aiden Enns 67
  • Book Review 57
  • Film Review 66
  • Further Reading 68
  • Notes from Northern Turtle Island 71
  • Civil Disobedience 72
  • Feministry 73
  • Christian Peacemaker Teams 74
  • Catholic Worker 75
  • Online Eclusive
  • A Land Managefesta: Bread and Roses from the Forest
    Andrea Ferich

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