In this extended issue, we give space for trees to hold our weary beings. In this time of great uncertainty and change, the trees keep finding us here – wherever we may be.
- Trees as Kin
I Asked the Redwoods
12 -
My Daughter Belongs to a Family of Trees
14 -
Becoming-with Birch
17 -
Sycamore Initiation
19 -
Eco-Identity Activity
20 -
The Giving Tree or the Greedy Boy?
21 - Trees as Prophet
When the Entwives Return
24 -
Radical Rootedness
26 -
In the Beginning, There was an Ash
27 -
The Tree that Fell in the Forest
29 - Trees as Medicine
Instructions for Being with Trees
33 -
Tree Medicine
36 -
Homestead-Style Maple Syrup
38 - Trees as Haven
The Tree My Brother Fell From
42 -
The Prayer Tree
43 -
To Settle the Soil
44 -
In One Good Tree, Ten Thousand Birds May Rest
46 -
A Thin Place- Lessons Learned from the Leaven Center
47 -
The Gray-Green Divide
49 - Trees as Witness
Where the Concrete Cracks
52 -
The Trees are on Our Side
55 -
If Every Cemetery was a Forest
56 - Trees as Beings
The Tree of Heaven
60 -
How to Protect that Which We Cannot Name
62 -
Small Stones
64 -
Rooted in a Changing World: A One Player Game
65 - Regulars
- Masthead 6
- Editorial 8
- Letters 6
- Upcoming Issues 70
- Poetry
Second Window
41 -
What are Trees for? Lines for a Grandchild
63 - Sections
9 -
The White Men’s Column
67 - Book Review 57
- Film Review 66
- Further Reading 68
- Notes from Northern Turtle Island 71
- Civil Disobedience 72
- Feministry 73
- Christian Peacemaker Teams 74
- Catholic Worker 75
- Online Eclusive
A Land Managefesta: Bread and Roses from the Forest