This issue explores death and dying in its ordinary, human, and sacred forms. It also summons readers to the communal work of mourning as a form of resistance and liberation.
Where Death Lives
10 -
Another American Nightmare
12 -
This Here is a Murder Culture
15 -
And Now, This Body
16 -
Community Acts of Remembering and Resistance
19 -
When Worlds Die
21 -
Courage to Engage with Death
22 -
Golden Grasses and Sun-Bleached Bones
25 -
A Curriculum of Backyard Funerals
27 -
To the Soil We Shall Return
30 -
Flesh, Fur, and Shell
33 -
File your Paperwork!
35 -
The Grave for a Ginger Cat
38 -
Making Final Arrangements for Yourself
39 -
When the Unthinkable Happens: A Litany for When We Gather and Weep
41 -
The Empty Tomb: Stolen or Resurrected?
42 -
45 -
Grieving the Body You’re In
48 -
Little Death
49 -
Of Corpses, Land, and Responsibilities Amid Uncertainty
51 -
We are Embodied Ancestors
54 - Regulars
- Masthead 6
- Letters 6
- Editorial 8
- Upcoming Issues 58
- Poetry
To Get There
26 -
Billie in West Philly
34 -
Sagittal Suture
44 - Sections
9 -
The White Men’s Column
49 - Film Review 37
- Book Review 50
- Further Reading 56
- Notes from Northern Turtle Island 59
- Civil Disobedience 60
- Feministry 61
- Christian Peacemaker Teams 62
- Web Exclusive
Healing, Reverence, Justice