
Issue 56, Spring 2020

Issue 56

Historically, engaging with laws through breaking them has been part of the arc that moves us towards justice. In this issue, we hope to unpack the nuances of breaking the law and the choices we do (or don’t) make in the process.

  • Behind the Scenes at Geez: Breaking Grammar Law
    Alyssa Selasky 9
  • The Midwives of Resistance
    Kelley Nikondeha 11
  • The Disobedient Body
    Maggie Helwig 12
  • Breaking America’s Law: On Being Suspect
    Will See 15
  • Ballad of Eric Garner
    Seth Martin 18
  • Through Whose Lens Do We See?
    Guy Dixon 20
  • Fear and Power at my First Protest
    Kathleen Nagle 22
  • For the Love of Family, I won’t be Arrested
    Liz Miller 23
  • Eucharist at Gunpoint
    Bill Wylie-Kellermann 25
  • Forgive Us Our . . .
    Ibrahím Pedriñán 28
  • Guilty: Kings Bay Ploughshares 30
  • Apprenticing to Saints Cla(i)re
    Lindsay Airey 32
  • Theomusicology
    Charon Hribar and Yara Allen 34
  • The Fire is Raging: A Case for Civil Disobedience
    Liz Theoharis 36
  • Deep Holy Breath
    Katherine Parent 38
  • “A Hidden Life” movie reflections 40
  • The Right to Light
    Jackson Koeppel 42
  • An Illegal Road Trip: Drugs, Friendship, and Following Jesus
    Nicolas Crier and Scott Neufeld 45
  • Inside, Outside, All on the Same Side! An Interview with Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee 51
  • Regulars
  • Masthead 6
  • Letters 6
  • Editorial
    Lydia Wylie-Kellermann 8
  • Upcoming Issues 58
  • Poetry
  • Police Cars in my Neighbourhood
    Erin Goheen Glanville 41
  • Fantasy Breakers
    Rhanimalz 49
  • Sections
  • Elderword
    Elizabeth McAlister 29
  • The White Men’s Column
    Tommy Airey 47
  • Book Review
    Tommy Airey 55
  • Film Review
    Mandy Elliott and Rachel Barber 54
  • Further Reading
    Tommy Airey 56
  • Notes from Northern Turtle Island
    Celine Chuang and Benjamin Hertwig 60
  • Civil Disobedience
    Dean Dettloff 61
  • Feministry
    Bre Woligroski 62
  • Christian Peacemaker Teams
    Kathy Kern 63
  • Catholic Worker
    Cait De Mott Grady 64

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