Goodwill must include acts of goodness that last. This will take new rationale, new readings of sacred texts, and new legislation for redistributing wealth and opportunity.
Editorial: Public Good Makes Common Sense
6 -
Descending Like a Dove (photo essay and book excerpts)
9 -
The Barriers of Inequality
11 -
Friendships Kindle the Spirit
12 -
Sabbath Economics
16 -
The Cosmology of Damnation
17 -
The House Where I Live
18 -
What Are They Thinking?
20 -
Scarcity and Peanut Butter Sandwiches
23 -
Replicants, New and Improved: Blade Runner 2049, Review
24 -
Seeking Race-Aware Foster Care
28 -
My Generous Mom
34 -
Generosity of a Brother
35 -
Basic Income: The Price of Human Dignity
36 -
Abandon 'Taxpayer,' Favour 'Citizen'
38 -
Race, Class, and Reparations
42 -
Let Compassion Be Our Guide
48 -
Editors' Picks for Further Reading
52 - Regulars
Editorial: Public Good Makes Common Sense
6 -
54 -
54 -
Civil Disobedience
58 - Tour bus of leftist evangelicals
- Pastors protest politician's speech
Catholic Worker
60 - Pipeline protests address reconciliation
- Ploughshares update
62 - 'Purity' movement questioned
- Women leaders barred from voting
Christian Peacemaker Teams
63 - Denied entry into Israel
- Pipeline solidarity, drum making
- Poetry
Directions to the Burdwoods Fish Farm
19 -