Whether we know it our not, our everyday embodied tendencies shape our perceptions of the world. In this issue, we talk about how to intentionally foster habits that move the world closer to justice.
Editorial: Some Habits Can Incarnate Hope
6 -
Windows Uncovered
9 -
The Hitchhiking Microcosm
10 -
New Priorities
14 -
Freedom Found in a Uniform
17 -
Living Simply, Alone
18 -
Joy from Abundant Waste
20 -
Local Connections Undo Consumerism
26 -
Strangers Help Me Be My Best Self
28 -
From Laziness to Resistance
30 -
Learning to Cross the River
35 -
The Exterminating Angel (Movie Review)
38 -
Names Connect Us to Our Vitality
42 -
The Strangers' Room
44 -
Lament on Coast Salish Land
48 - Regulars
Editorial: Some Habits Can Incarnate Hope
6 -
52 -
52 -
Civil Disobedience
56 - Grandmother, pastor, and priest sentenced to week in jail
- Indianapolis church puts Mary and Joseph behind a fence
60 - Women deacons
- Beyoncé Boulevard
Catholic Worker
61 - Plowshares and religious freedom
Christian Peacemaker Teams
62 - Sad anniversary in Colombia
- Trapped on Lesvos
- Poetry
16 -
The Straight Lines of Cities