For the dispossessed among us, the apocalypse is ongoing. For the rest of us, we begin to taste our own devastation. In this issue, we celebrate, mourn, and contemplate life at the end of the world.
- Regulars
Editorial: A Catastrophe Uncovering
7 - Letters 66
Sinner's Corner
69 -
18 -
The Pastor’s Wife: Just Don’t Worry
37 - Poetry
The Stray
17 -
Suits & People
48 - I. Damnation!
Editorial: A Catastrophe Uncovering
7 -
The Persecution is Already Here
11 -
Indigenous Resistance Lifts the Veil of Colonial Amnesia
13 -
Cassette for the End of Time
20 -
The Second Coming of 1964
21 - II. Sobriety
Commit to the World: An interview with Rosemary Radford Ruether
24 -
Comic: The End
26 -
Eschatology 101
28 -
Does Having Babies Hasten the Collapse?
31 -
Monastic Life at the End of Days
32 -
What Will Last?
33 - Leave this Disaster Behind: A Geez Review of Left Behind 35
Where the Sidewalk Ends: A Spirituality of Apocalypse
38 -
St. Benedict vs. the Apocalypse
43 - III. Tenacity
Anarcho-primitivism Desert
46 -
Photo Essay: Farming When the End is the Beginning
50 -
Preparing for a Beautiful End
54 -
A Few Words About Hope and Despair
63 - Editors’ Picks for Further Reading 64
- Experiments 70
- Justice Work Built on Community Dialogue
- One Bag of Garbage for a Year
- Local Rafting Adventure
- Carry that Weight
- DIY Pagan-inspired Christmas/Winter solstice Celebration
- Civil Disobedience 74
- Indigenous Resistance Rises Again
- A Striking Demand
- News
- Feministry 76
- Hobby Lobby Craftivism
- Muslim Students not Welcome
- Arab Spring’s Sexual Revolution
- Christian Peacemaker Teams 77
- Fight for Land in Colombia
- Continuing Crisis in Palestine
- Refugee Stories
- Catholic Worker 78
- Take a Bucket to the River
- Fly Kites, not Drones
- White People Talking to White People
- The Rainbow Page 79
LGBT Christians Lend Unique Voice to Climate Activism