Ways of Seeing
After The Sexual Politics of Meat: An Interview with Carol J. Adams
James Wilt interviews cultural worker and animal rights activist Carol J. Adams.
Not Always Cheerful Giving
Meagan Gillmore discusses giving to those who beg.
Staff Picks for Further Reading
A list of books that helped inform the production of Issue 38: Animal Being.
Geez debate: Should humans eat non humans?
A Geez debate on whether or not humans should eat non-humans.
Let’s Find Connections with Other Beings
Aiden Enns explains the reasoning for doing an issues on animals and argues, “we need a new sense of being human and a better relationship with other animals.”
Divinanimality: Animal Theory, Creaturely Theology
David Driedger reviews a collection of essays entitled Divinanimality: Animal Theory, Creaturely Theology
How to queer your educational experience
In our issue on radical education, we suggest that a queer-positive approach means being both unconventional and affirming of a diversity of gender identities.
Why I worry about words
A Geez editor reflects on the liberating and oppressive potentials of the words we use.The Crusades Then and Now
A simple sketch depicting how the colonial impulse is still alive and well.
Civil Disobedience
Prayerful Rage
James Wilt discusses the situation in Ferguson Missouri when a grand jury refused to indict police officer Darren Wilson, who killed 18-year-old unarmed Michael Brown in August of 2014.