Whether we are aware of it or not, our lives are tied up with the lives of those all around the planet. They are entwined through systems of global capital that extract resources from some places and deliver them hand-wrapped to others. They are linked through tax-paying, war-making, occupation, colonization, and cultural hegemony. But they are also connected through oceans and watersheds . . . through subterranean networks of mycelium . . . through movements for liberation and decolonization . . . through stories and songs and spirit that transcend the borders of time and space.
The Prayers of the Earth and Those Who Come Seven Generations from Now
10 -
Kindred Spirits
12 -
Something of Ours Is Already Saved
13 -
Grief Grounds Us in Community
17 -
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: A Window of Hope
19 -
Why the Church Must Support Palestinian Struggle
22 -
Get on the Side of the People
24 -
Can Canadian Settlers Learn to Grow Our Souls?
27 -
The Necessary Weirdness of Global Silly-darity
28 -
Labour Internationalism against Climate Apartheid
32 -
Romanian Workers on the Road to Living Wages
35 -
From Around the Maple-Sugaring Fire
37 -
Five Days in Kyiv
39 -
From Arms and Legs to a Body of Resistance
40 -
Lessons in Solidarity from an Expat in Hong Kong
44 -
The Missionary Impulse
45 -
Talking Dead: The Revolutionary Lives of James Carney and Ignacio Ellacuría
47 -
Bendita Mezcla: Solidarity among Youth throughout NuestrAmérica
48 -
Weather the Storm
52 -
On Chernozem
53 - Regulars
- Masthead 6
- Letters 6
- Editorial 8
- Upcoming Issues 58
- Poetry
In Shaa Allah
23 -
46 - Sections
9 - Book Review 54
- Film Review 55
- Further Resources 56
- Civil Disobedience 60
- Feministry 62
- Catholic Worker 63