Signs of Dawn

Issue 60, Spring 2021

Issue 60

Death is not the end of any story. In this issue, we explore resurrection. We dream of stones being rolled away, of new life (that’s really not new at all), of compost, of return.

  • What Resurrection is Not
    Rosalind C. Hughes 11
  • The Women Who Remember
    Kelley Nikondeha 13
  • Born Again on Estrogen
    Sloane Wednesday 14
  • The Dance With Our DNA
    Naomi Ortiz 17
  • The Myth of the Zombie
    Laïssa Alexis 19
  • A Lesson from Lithics
    Josh Richardson 21
  • His Soul is Marching On
    Kyle McCormick and Kateri Boucher 22
  • I’m Going Back to Bed: An Anti-Resurrection Play in One Act
    Kerr Mesner 24
  • The Rage of Natural Forces
    Owólabi 27
  • Building a Tomb
    Justin Eisinga 30
  • How Will We Be Midwives of Resurrection?
    Marcia Lee and Eddie Gonzalez 33
  • Food for Thought
    en sawyer 35
  • Painting from Sunset to Sunrise
    Connor Sarazin 36
  • Stay Awake and Lament
    Benny VanDerburgh 38
  • High Release
    Lucia Wylie-Eggert 39
  • The Mixing of Bones and the Resurrection of the Many
    Steven Charleston 41
  • Land Must Burn
    lucy dean stockton 42
  • The Same Old Bird
    Lisa Deam 45
  • A Miracle in Bolivia
    Dean Dettloff 46
  • The Sandbox Revolution: Raising Kids for a Just World
    Interview with Lydia Wylie-Kellermann 49
  • Recreated
    Julia Occhiogrosso 52
  • Regulars
  • Masthead 6
  • Letters 6
  • Editorial 8
  • Upcoming Issues 58
  • Poetry
  • :empty space
    Nadya Langelotz 26
  • On Resurrection Day
    Grace Humbles 48
  • We Came to Say Goodbye
    Mike Boucher 50
  • Sections
  • Elderword
    Daniel Berrigan and Kateri Boucher 10
  • Book Review 54
  • Film Review 55
  • Further Reading 56
  • Notes from Northern Turtle Island 60
  • Civil Disobedience 61
  • Feministry 62
  • Catholic Worker 63

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