In this issue, we look at life outside of the extractive systems hidden behind the fluorescent grocery store aisles, get dirt under our fingernails, and connect our hearts with the small patches of earth around us.
Seeds Are Our Lifeline to Future Generations
11 -
Sisters of the Same Seed
13 -
16 -
18 -
Veganism isn’t Cruelty Free
19 -
Cesar Chavez: Who Shall Intercede for the Farmworkers?
20 -
Who Determines Health?
24 -
26 - Detroit Food Justice Map 28
Recreating Eden with Edible Landscapes
30 -
I Hate Lawns (And Then Lay Them)
32 -
Food Justice Requires Reparations
35 - Black and Native Hands Light the Fire 36
The Scat of Settler Ecology
38 -
Dumpster Diving as Spiritual Practice
40 -
Moriah Pie
41 -
Good Bread
43 -
Prison Farms: A Correctional Confessional
44 -
Invisible Margins in the Food Line
49 -
50 - Regulars
- Masthead 6
- Letters 6
- Editorial 8
- Upcoming Issues 58
- Poetry
33 -
Prayer for the Pests
53 - Sections
10 - Film Review 54
- Book Review 55
- Further Reading 56
- Notes from Northern Turtle Island 60
- Civil Disobedience 61
- Feministry 62
- Catholic Worker 63