Ah, Jesus. We all know him. Most of us love him. In this issue, read about his failure as an activist, why high school kids are confused, and how Mary and Joseph were gushing parents.
- Theology 101: Undestanding the life and death of Jesus
- Part 1 Forgives Our Sins
Hyper-coronary Jesus
14 -
Holy crap, what a nice guy
18 -
Jesus junk
19 -
At the cafe with Ruby
21 -
Jesus comes with free ice-cream bars
22 - Part 2 Vindicates the political agitator
Construction worker becomes radical prophet
26 - Rumspringa 28
Jesus, Genesis and green anarchy
30 - Part 3 Defeats the powers
The case of the customized Christ
34 -
Jesus and his kind of man
37 -
The Son of Man's greatest hits
38 -
Jesus loves me, and my image of him
39 - Part 4 Shows the depth of God's love
Jesus, Buddha, buddy, buddy
40 -
So, what’s a nice lesbian like me doing with Jesus?
42 -
Can't fake conviction
44 -
The craziest story ever told
46 -
Wild-eyed Jesus and me
48 - Part 5 Reveals the way of transformation
Stages of development
52 -
Jesus finds them all
54 -
Feminine Jesus
58 -
Jesus hacking
60 -
The voice I thought was Jesus
62 -
Turning over the classroom tables
64 -
New monasticism, also known as ordinary life in the neighbourhood
68 - Regulars
Editorial: Context is everything
8 - Letters 10
Sinner's Corner: Can I be Green on the green?
12 -
The Pastor's Wife: The dining room table is sacred
20 - Reviews 72
Harmonizing without homogenizing
Engage messed-up world, get messy
Entry-level social change