The Work Issue

Issue 17, Spring 2010

Issue 17

Some work is empowering. Some work enslaves. We look at both, giving clues for liberation. Includes a feature interview with Richard Day on how we think of work; plus Will Braun doesn’t like housework, Paul Spurr is a superhero, Brietta O’Leary reviews Avatar, and more.

  • Features
  • I fret
    David Neufeld 24
  • Laboring in vain
    T. Remington Harkness 27
  • All work is prostitution 28
  • Jobs to die for
    Amanda Follett 30
  • The non-profit industrial complex
    Michelle Poirier and Andrea Smith 32
  • What are the implications of capitalism for education? 33
  • Escape 'work,' get a life: An interview with Richard J.F. Day
    Nicholas Klassen 36
  • Worker-owned cafe matures
    Chris Paetkau 41
  • Breeding for profit
    Henry Bakker 42
  • Not Sophie's Choice
    Sandra Malasky 44
  • The dust bunny revolution
    Will Braun 45
  • In defense of writing
    Nicole Sheets 46
  • Of brickwork and building
    Ruth Ann Pszwaro 47
  • Dream job? Oh, somethin' to do
    Anna Bowen 48
  • Temptation of the machine averted
    Katie Munnik 50
  • Work equals freedom
    Sarah Lance 52
  • Creative non-fiction: What remains
    Hillary Evans 72
  • Culturosities 18
  • I do (woof)
    Kurt Armstrong
  • Curvy carrots
  • Homelessness in Vancouver
  • Shane Claiborne in Esquire
  • Experiments 54
  • No money for a year
  • Social justice superheroes
  • Consumer detox
  • News 58
  • Creating God in our own image
  • Pope mockery
  • Who Would Jesus Shoot?
  • Reviews 66
  • The Pope's Caritas in Veritate
  • Dostoevsky's seizures
  • Colonialism in Avatar
    Brietta O’Leary
  • Regulars
  • Editorial: Taste a better way and move towards it
    Aiden Enns 8
  • Letters 10
  • Sinners Corner: I entered a mall (gasp)
    Margo Starbuck 12
  • The Soapboxer: Lots of jobs, lots of character
    Nicholas Klassen 16
  • The Pastor’s Wife: No glory working for the Pastor
    Carrie S. Martin 71

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