What would a Jubilee year look like today? All debts forgiven, slaves and prisoners freed, and land laid to rest.
- The Trumpet in the Morning 11
Can the Biblical Jubilee Pattern be Useful to Our Moment?
13 -
Echoes of the Green Corn Ceremony
19 -
Collectively Loving Our Neighbour and the Jubilee That’s Ours to Win
20 -
Shmita: Radical Jews Practice Release
22 -
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
26 -
Now Let Us Sing! Juneteenth 2021
29 - We Chose Rejoice: A Playlist for a Jubilee Year 32
Woe to You Landlords
33 -
The End of One Story, the Beginning of Another
34 -
Forgive Us Our Debts, Foreign and Domestic
36 -
If an Undocumented Chinese Restaurant Worker Took a Sabbatical
40 -
Rest as a Sacred Ceremony
43 -
Cherries Jubilee
44 -
Food and Land in the Shmita Year: A Release from Old Paradigms
46 -
Thinking Abolition Theologically: An Interview
47 -
Sweet Blossoming of Justice: A Rewrite of Isaiah 61
51 -
Non-Binary Jubilee in the Camp Bathroom
52 - Regulars
- Masthead 6
- Letters 6
- Editorial 8
- Upcoming Issues 58
- Poetry
Second Growth
17 -
Blessing for a Rest
42 -
Morning – Let It Be!
53 - Sections
10 - Book Review 54
- Film Review 55
- Further Reading 56
- Notes from Northern Turtle Island 60
- Civil Disobedience 61
- Feministry 62
- Catholic Worker 63