slow slow slow
10 -
The Forging of a Pipe Carrier
12 -
Birds Our Ancestors Might Have Seen
15 -
Ancestry Beyond the Human: A Hailing by Wild Beauty
16 -
Blood and Water
20 -
The Dead Yearn Through Us
22 -
Genealogy as Spiritual Practice: Reflections on My White Ancestral Work
24 -
My Grandma’s Voice
29 -
Ancestral Songlines: Bearing the Weight of Traumatized Bloodlines and Contested Landlines
30 -
Choosing Softness
34 -
Just Wearing the Shirt
35 -
Ancestors Every Which Way: Praying with, as, and for the Saints
38 -
Teach Me to Sing
41 -
Playing Tooth Fairy
43 -
By the Ancestors’ Wings and Prayers
44 -
Still Here: A Passage from the Queer Lectionary
45 -
A Grandmother’s Prayers; A Father’s Miracle
47 -
A Samhain Liturgy for Radicals
50 - Regulars
- Masthead 6
- Letters 6
- Editorial 8
- Upcoming Issues 56
- Poetry
Against Lineage
14 - To the homesteader, the race traitor, the outcast, and the movement ancestors. 46
Where Am I From?
49 -
- Sections
- Elderword 9
- Film Review: How to Blow Up a Pipeline 52
- Film Review: FastX 53
- Further Resources 54
- Feministry 58
- Civil Disobedience 59
- Taproot Sanctuary 61
- Catholic Worker 62
- Study Guide 63