The Collectivity Issue

Issue 43, Fall 2016

Issue 43

We explore a non-individualistic way of being in the world. Our identities can broaden and stabilize. We gain strength by identifying as one part of a group to whose aims we aspire.

  • Editorial: Collectivity is an Antidote to Destruction
    Aiden Enns 6
  • Feature Material
  • How Change Happens
    Geez Staff 16
  • How One City Fought Against Legislated Homophobia
    Alexandra Melnick 26
  • Rural Pride
    Rachel Barber and Mandy Elliott 28
  • All the Single Ladies
    Deb Schaffer 30
  • Cooperation in a Commune Sometimes Hurts
    Augie Fairchild, Brittany Lewis, Valerie Renwick, and Ian Tupelo 32
  • My Aromanticism Doesn't Fit Your Queer-Affirming Church
    Kiersten Jensen 42
  • Community is Bullshit
    Katie Hoogendam 44
  • Mom, Is That My School?
    Stina Kielsmeier-Cook 47
  • The Pleasures and Sorrows of a Teenage Katimaviktim
    Andrew Guilbert 50
  • My Life is Expressed in Community
    Amy Barnes 52
  • Why Join?
    Ash Coutu 54
  • Fresh Relevance for Religious Collectives
    Aiden Enns 58
  • Editors' Picks for Further Reading
    Geez Staff 64
  • Collectivitiy Case Studies
  • City Repair, Underground Railroad, On to Ottawa, Mondragon, Civil Rights, Idle No More, Blockadia, Sanctuary
    Geez Staff
  • Regulars
  • Editorial
    Aiden Enns 6
  • Letters 66
  • Sinner's Corner
    Margot Starbuck 69
  • Comic
    Justin Petkau 55
  • Sections
  • Experiments
    Katie Doke Sawatzky 70
  • Car-Free Summer 70
  • Talking back 70
  • Beach-plastic art calls attention to pollution 71
  • Civil Disobedience
    James Wilt 72
  • Nine Arrested in Hartford Anti-Deportation Rally 72
  • Christian Climate Activists Found Guilty 72
  • Gay Marriage Performed in North Carolina Methodist Church 72
  • Umbrella Movement Participants Publish Book 73
  • Six Activists Dump Sludge in Front of Ontario Legislatureto Protest Mercury Poisoning 74
  • Sixteen Clergy Arrested in Protest Against Pipeline in Boston 74
  • Rainbow Page 75
  • We are Dying
    Jay Yoder
  • Feministry
    Bre Woligroski 76
  • Mexicans Protest Sexual Violence
  • Traditional Tattoos for Inuit Women
  • Women fleeing the church
  • Stopping Menstruation Stigma
  • Christian Peacemaker Teams
    Kathleen Kern 77
  • Ongoing Turmoil in Iraqi Kurdistan
  • Violence in Columbia Despite Ceasefire
  • CPT Supports Indigenous Movements
  • Israeli Military Reinforces Checkpoints
  • Catholic Worker
    Lydia Wylie-Kellermann 78
  • Don’t Call Me a Saint?
  • Closing the Open Door
  • In Memory of Daniel Berrigan
  • Poetry
    Melanie Dennis Unrau
  • green trust
    Rita Wong 25
  • June 20, Ribadiso
    Sean Denmark 41
  • Illustration
  • Togethering
    Jonathan Dyck 7
  • Much Depends on the Degree
    Jonathan Dyck 12

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