Geez 33 Disability and Ableism audio

Below you will find links to the audio files of several of the articles published in Geez 33, Disability and Ableism.
Audio File
Poverty of access by Nicolas Geddert
If you want to read a digital text version of this story, click here.
Audio File
Breakfast alone by Jennifer Garrison Brownell
If you want to read a digital text version of this story, click here.
Audio File
Holistic recreation by Gemma Yates-Howorth
If you want to read a digital text version of this story, click here.
Audio File
Star Trek and disability by Jenny Henkelman
If you want to read a digital text version of this story, click here.
Audio File
Dehumanization in mental healthcare by Sara Arenson
If you want to read a digital text version of this story, click here.
Audio File
Sexy? Who, me?! Just roll with it by Jess Turner
If you want to read a digital text version of this story, click here.
Audio File
Reinventing the wheel by Kate Grisim
If you want to read a digital text version of this story, click here.
Audio File
Not dead yet! by Jim Derksen
If you want to read a digital text version of this story, click here.
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