Launch party Sunday for Geez 20, our 5th anniversary

Hey, in a couple of days, we’ll launch issue number 20, which marks our 5th anniversary! It went so fast.
If you’re in Winnipeg on the afternoon of Sunday, November 21, 2010, please stop by for celebration at Exchange Community Church, see details below.
Spread the word to all who may be interested: Get a PDF poster here.
Geez Magazine’s
5th Anniversary Launch Party
Sunday, November 21, 2010, 4:30 p.m.
Exchange Community Church
75 Albert Street, Suite 200
(Just south of Mondragon Cafe and Natural Cycle)
The Magnificent Sevens
Reading by Geez authors read and
Recollections from editors
Snacks to follow
This marks five years of expressing a faith that yearns for justice, honours beauty at the margins, and highlights simple experiments with truth.
See you there!
On behalf of the board, volunteers and workers,
Aiden Enns, editor
Geez magazine
PS: Can’t make it? Send use your comments and we’ll post them on a bulletin board. Use the comments form below or email editor [at] geezmagazine [dot] org
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