Friends Influence Friends for Geez

Credit: Jonathan Dyck
Dear Reader,
This magazine needs your help to spread the word to more readers. As you know, Geez is a primarily print magazine in an increasingly digital media world.
We are determined to remain tangible. We want you and your friends to stroke and caress our covers four times a year. We want you to feel a slight puff of air as you riffle the pages, admiring the words and images you’ll savour in the coming weeks.
Our goal is to offer consolation and inspiration to activist-minded, art-loving, social-justice-oriented people at the fringes of faith. And we seek to do so by our very incarnational being.
We invite you to send an email to your friends, tellling them about Geez magazine. As an encouragement, and to thank you for your effort, we’ll add one issue to your subsbcription if your friend mentions your name when they subscribe.
See the sign-up sheet here.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please send us and email or write us a note, see contact page here.
Aiden Enns (on behalf of the Geez board and workers)
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