Celebration June 9, designer ‘retires,’ new issue’s out

Darryl Brown Credit: Joel Bock
Come join us for a celebration of 12 years of design work by Darryl Brown, and the launch of Geez 49 Summer 2018 “Gender Flex”!
Saturday June 9, 2018
7:00 p.m. (a come-and-go affair)
264 Home Street, backyard (1/2 block south of Portage Ave.)
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Wood-fired pizza
BYOB and snacks to share
Darryl Brown “retires” from Geez
This is a chance to recognize the wonderful work Darryl Brown has done with Geez magazine. As the founding designer, he started with prototypes of the logo back in 2005, and developed the look and feel of the magazine for 12 subsequent years, up to issue no. 48 at the end of 2017. He’s an illustrator, designer, photographer, colleague, and dear friend. He and his partner Laura live in Newberg, Oregon, and will be travelling to Winnipeg for the bash.
Launch of Issue 49: “Gender Flex”
Fresh from Friesens printing in Altona, the new issue will be on hand for perusal and purchase. In this issue we explore the topics of femininity, masculinity (including what to do about the toxic variety), gender fluidity, nonbinary self-identifcation, and inclusive pronouns for God and friends.
So, if you are near Winnipeg, Manitoba, please join us!
On behalf of the board (Miriam, Chantel, Gabriela, and Bethany) and co-workers (Alana, Chris, Sarah, and Marianne),
Aiden Enns
Geez magazine
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