The Super Cyber issue

Issue 20, Winter 2010

Issue 20

For this fifth anniversary issue, Geez is going digital! Just kidding. This issue affirms our commitment to remaining an “offline oasis” while acknowledging the benefits of technology – granted it’s used wisely.

  • Regulars
  • Difficult technology is rewarding
    Aiden Enns 6
  • Letters
    Various 8
  • Call me a fence-sitter
    Nicolas Klassen 14
  • Culturosities
  • The material culture that defines us: The 'like' button
    Julie Beman 15
  • Old geezers: The Luddites
    Anna Bowen 16
  • Artists commit air-raid on war
    Aaron Levere 17
  • A northern perspective on the Ground- Zero Mosque
    Aaron Levere 18
  • Anarchist Christians unite online
    BeckyGarrison 19
  • Cyper Utopia
  • How Facebook helps me be a stay-at-home dad and community activist
    Ariah Fine 21
  • Imperfect prose on thursdays
    Emily Wierenga 23
  • Hope for a fake life
    Tyler Olson 24
  • Electronic hitchhiker
    David Griffin Brown 25
  • I long to see you: 2 Timothy by email
    Shannon Blake 28
  • I Google banana bread
    Carrie S. Martin 29
  • When is activism slacktivism*?
    Various 31
  • Cyber Dystopia
  • High tech grief
    Lizz Bryce 34
  • Technology, half-chewed
    Doreen Dodgen-Magee 35
  • New platforms for old oppressions
    Jenny Henkelman and Cynara Geissler 36
  • Technology hip-check
    Lance Spoke Spurr 40
  • Thelowercaseletter"i"
    Michelle Elrick 41
  • Cyberforgiveness
    Sarah Stankorb 43
  • Righteousness in the Age of Technology
    Riparian Church 44
  • Imagine while plummeting
    Sam McLoughlin 45
  • Newtopia
  • The key(board) to a better life?
    Peggy Trendell-Jensen 48
  • Keeping the pitbull off the bed
    Mandy Smith 49
  • Albert Borgmann on taming technology
    David J. Wood 50
  • Seven criteria for the adoption of new technology
    Will Braun 56
  • Simple thoughts forengaging technology
    Aiden Enns 59
  • Kids know how to help
    Kathleen Wilker 60
  • Shit and toil
    Kerrie Miller 61
  • Experiments
  • Sew by bike
    Eva Klassen 64
  • Ghetto life without acomputer
    Anonymous 65
  • Building materials speakfor themselves
    Eva Klassen 65
  • Go fast to fare well
    Beth Malena 66
  • Band canoes gig to gig
    Eva Klassen 66
  • Civil Disobedience
  • Plane Stupid
    Geez Staff 68
  • Streets are for feet
    Geez Staff 68
  • Guerilla haiku
    Geez Staff 69
  • Protest the Pope
    Geez Staff 69
  • Latvia’s cyber Robin Hoodarrested
    Geez Staff 70
  • News
  • UN sends female task force to Haiti to curb rape epidemic 71
  • Guelph communityprotests Sikh temple 71
  • Trendy makeup companycomes clean – sort of 72
  • Community seeks bigbucks to stop porn 72
  • Japanese archbishop visits New York, calls for abolition ofnuclear weapons 73
  • Reviews
  • The Routes of Man:How Roads are Changing the World andthe Way We Live Today
    Julienne Isaacs 74
  • The Peep Diaries:How We’re Learning to Love WatchingOurselves and Our Neighbours
    Kyle Armstrong 74
  • You Are Not A Gadget: A Manifesto
    Kurt Armstrong 75
  • Into Eternity
    Angela Wallace 76
  • Arcade Fire, The Suburbs
    Darren Day 77

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