
Ways of Seeing

  • Don’t judge a church by its sanctuary

    Aiden attempts to back away from judging people by the size and shape of their sanctuary.

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  • Sinner’s Corner:  I think I may be becoming monarchist.

    Does “mildly enamoured” mean, “Though I’m not prepared to bend a knee to these people, possibly they are not Satan’s evil minions as I once suspected they might be”?

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  • God and the great indoors (or) Putting the sun back in Sunday

    The current issue of Geez is about the psycho-geography of sacred space. I think my little rant about stained glass might fit that category.

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  • The architectural ‘least of these’

    My article in the current issue of Geez looks at the architectural mark left on Latin America by the Roman Catholic church – from grandiose monuments to the little bamboo prayer chapel at Taize in Brazil.This post features photos of the churches mentioned in the article.

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  • Famine as photo op

    With hunger plaguing the Horn of Africa, the distended belly is back in the news. It’s a shocking site – a motionless, blank-eyed Somali child with a swollen abdomen. Or maybe it isn’t shocking.Have we become numb to images of human deprivation? How should misery be communicated?

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  • Just trying to help

    Our family had a brutal track record when it came to delivering Christmas hampers. These awkward experiences illustrate the complexities of helping and are part of a “recent article”: I wrote on that topic for Canadian Mennonite magazine.

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  • Calling for pitches: Geez 23 and 24

    A double-whammy of pitch calls for the upcoming issues. Geez 23 will be on the psychogeography of sacred spaces and Geez 24 will be on the problem with privilege.

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  • Editorial

    Light easily navigates the darkness

    The more I practice, or as Thomas Keating says, the more I “consent to”, the presence of Love and Light, the more inclined I am to navigate the corners of my life and despair in the world.

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  • Ritual: Lunch Break

    Surprisingly, a year of lunch breaks has taught my soul one of its best lessons: I have little power and that’s okay.

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  • Aw shucks Geez

    We’re all flabbergasted over here in the _Geez_ office. It seems that we’ve just raked in some awards.

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