In this issue we straddle the divide between small eco-farmers and big agri-business. We ask: Who’s winning the battle for your taste buds? Who grows your food? And who will feed the future?
Countrify the city, modernize the rural: An interview with J.B. MacKinnon
- Corporatization of your digestive tract
Where the buffalo roam (and the country radio blares): Rural America in urban culture
Farming a divine calling? ... think again
- Interviews with conventional farms
Sugar-coated ritual
The last breakfast art
The unbefitting prayer
- This is my body: An expose on the communion wafer industry
City slickers and clodhoppers
NASCAR brand peppers
Farming and feminism
Religion and the US Farm Bill
The growth of fuel (biofuels)
Farming is for losers
Sin, salvation and food: A look at the Christian diet industry