The Future of Food in an Urbanized World

Issue 8, Winter 2007

Issue 8

In this issue we straddle the divide between small eco-farmers and big agri-business. We ask: Who’s winning the battle for your taste buds? Who grows your food? And who will feed the future?

  • Countrify the city, modernize the rural: An interview with J.B. MacKinnon
    Will Braun
  • Corporatization of your digestive tract
  • Where the buffalo roam (and the country radio blares): Rural America in urban culture
    Laurel Mathewson
  • Farming a divine calling? ... think again
    Nicholas Klassen
  • Interviews with conventional farms
  • Groceries/Dirt
    Rachel Penner de Waal and Marla Kiley
  • Sugar-coated ritual
    Geez Editors
  • The last breakfast art
    Ron English
  • The unbefitting prayer
    Carrie S. Martin
  • This is my body: An expose on the communion wafer industry
  • City slickers and clodhoppers
    Barbara Kingsolver
  • NASCAR brand peppers
    Photography by Carl Hiebert
  • Farming and feminism
    Jennifer deGroot
  • Religion and the US Farm Bill
    Robert D. Francis
  • The growth of fuel (biofuels)
    Jenni Berkel
  • Farming is for losers
    Dan Wiens
  • Sin, salvation and food: A look at the Christian diet industry
    Aiden Enns

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