Experiments with Truth

Issue 13, Spring 2009

Issue 13

This is where we stop talking about change and actually do something. Sometimes it’s wacky, like making an ice rink from bathtub water. Other times it’s a step in the serious direction, like flirting with no internet or trying to move down one class in society.

  • Slightly mad scientist
    Geez Staff
  • Bucking the trend in ill-fitting corduroy
    Amanda Follett 54
  • Processed
    Emily Mekash 28
  • Slightly re-sensitized: A month of under-stimulation
    Will Braun 34
  • Sit in public
    Geez Bureau of Investigation
  • Grey ice
    Derek Eidse 42
  • Downward mobility
    Aiden Enns 51
  • Searching for a good trade on the coast of Carolina
    Josh MacIvor-Andersen 38
  • Home meditation chamber
  • Parenting across the social divide
    Dee Dee Risher 13
  • Soaring along the lonesome highway
    Cecilia Greyson 16
  • Ongoing conversion
    Katherine Turpin 17
  • It all came out in the wash
    Natalie Boustead 26
  • Nice
    James W. Miller 29
  • Twenty bucks and an irk
    Josiah Neufeld 36
  • The inefficiency of God
    Chico Fajardo-Heflin 52
  • Thirty-one days off plastic
    Jennifer deGroot 44
  • Twelve by sixteen: Life as a little pioneer
    Jennifer Kazda 46
  • Theological Fear Factor
    Nadia Bolz-Weber 48
  • Retirement homes, tattoo parlours
    Ronna Bloom 56
  • Fashionable spartan
    Corinne Klassen 57
  • Practical contempation
    Mary Friesen 57
  • Meditation plus
    Rachael Wellwood 57
  • A small house of straw
    Karin Kliewer 58
  • Cultural Stunts
    Geez Staff 61
  • Day one
    Jim Mondry 63
  • The urgency of stuff
    Whitney Light 64
  • Desire, satisfaction and the spirituality of planned obsolescence
    Sharlene Murphy 65
  • Rebooting the real world
    Chris Reilly 66
  • Pause
    Marcus Rempel 68
  • Public Love
    Laura Weldon 69
  • The 10-year experiment with truth and goof
    Adam Jeske 71
  • Forty Days
    Nicholas Klassen 74
  • Forty Letters
    Johnathan Hicks 76
  • Some friendly advice
    Terry Taylor 77
  • Turn your life around
    Kurt Armstrong 80
  • The year the world flowed through me
    Robery Kull 82
  • Reconciling Romans 7 and my Christian carbon footprint
    Becky Garrison 86
  • Twenty simple years
    an interview with Jim Merkel 90

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