Call for Pieces: Advent Book 2023 – Prayers for the End of the World

2022 Advent cover art, collaged from pieces by Nina Schuurman-Drenth
Prayers for the End of the World
Due June 15, 2023
“I’d follow love into extinction.”
– Ayisha Siddiqa, except from “On Another Climate Panel, They Ask me to Sell the Future and All I’ve Got is a Love Poem.”
We cannot pray our way out of the climate catastrophe that is upon us. But prayer is perhaps one way to encourage a change in our posture towards the earth. To turn our hearts and bodies towards the wind and the seed and the songbird. To invite intimacy and relationship. To remember that one day we will be the land that is being poisoned. Prayer can release our fears and our rage and our utter exhaustion. Prayer leaves a pregnant pause in which the earth can respond. Prayer is a place to be still long enough to know and commit to the work that stands before us all.
This Advent, Geez will release a book of daily prayers for the end of the world (whether that is climate or otherwise). We hope it holds a wide diversity of contributors, perspectives, angles, and content.
Further Details
What: We are not looking for pitches – send us your completed prayer.
Due Date: June 15, 2023
Word Length: 200 word maximum, less is welcome. If you are writing in a poetry form, 20 lines or less.
Compensation: If we select your piece, you will receive a $40 honorarium and 2 copies of the book in November.
Publication Details: Advent booklets will be for sale through the Geez website starting in September and will be mailed out in early November.
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