
Geez newsletter - December 2012

Dear Friends of Geez magazine,

This is my first, monthly, in-house email to all subscribers and Geez contacts.

My goal is to keep you in the loop with what’s coming up in Geez magazine, let you in on some behind-the-scenes action and offer a few words of encouragement to those who care about spirituality and social justice.

You’ll see that I’m keeping it “low-tech.” It’s a crazy world when an email feels retro. What the heck. [Or in the case of this web edition of the newsletter, it’s a rudimentary re-posting of an email.]

Aiden Enns, Publisher, Geez magazine

TABLE OF CONTENTS – December 2012 ****************************************************
III. INSIDER NEWS A. Our Anarchy Issue: It’s Hot B. Women’s Issue In The Works C. Geez: An ‘Offline Oasis’

I. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION FOR HOLY MISCHIEF MAKERS ****************************************************
When Martha was distracted by all her preparations, Jesus said “Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42) I like this story because Mary, it seems, took some time just to sit, listen and learn; to feed her soul, as it were. I’m aware that the Martha-Mary story has problems for women. For example, one scholar says Jesus kept Martha from organizing early church affairs and affirmed Mary’s submission. Another says Mary was a radical woman, learning to be a rabbi.

These social politics are usually my main focus as an activist-oriented Bible reader. But today, I draw strength from Mary and her ability to stop the preparations and be attentive to the wisdom around her. It’s good to practice stillness, focus and restraint. To be attentive and still is to be open to wonder. Stillness can be a weakness that brings strength (and this will likely look different for women and men and other expressions of gender). Refreshment springs from an eagerness to receive. It’s always weird and welcome when it happens. – Aiden Enns

II. ANNUAL APPEAL (it’s that time of year) ****************************************************
I’m convinced each Geez reader knows at least one other person who would like to read a magazine that is soul food for misfit Christians and others seeking justice and sustainability. We’re going for 500 new or gift subscriptions in the first half of 2013. See our campaign page here.

Why support Geez magazine? Because we’re an awesome mix of fantastic things: independent, commercial-free, reader-supported, justice-minded, faith-oriented, progressive cultural politics and committed to print. How often does that happen?! We regularly have new subscribers tell us they are grateful that we exist. We hope you agree and show your support with a gift subscription (click here for gift subscriptions) or a one-time donation (click here for the online donation page).

Why support Geez magazine? Because we provide meaningful employment for five part-time workers (three of them are mothers of young children) who labour at something in which they dearly believe. We have a staff of only 1.6 full-time equivalent (crazy, eh?). But when you add a slate of eager volunteer editors and dedicated proofreaders we miraculously end up warming hearts and winning awards. To make this venture sustainable, we need donations above and beyond what we get from subscriptions. So please, if you can, send along a few bucks, which make a big difference to this small organization. See the donation page here.

Why support Geez magazine? Because we bet your favourite midwife, pastor, cousin or celebrity professor would be impressed and love you more if you sent them one year of Geez. It’s only $35, and it goes to a good cause, see gift options, here.

III. INSIDER NEWS ****************************************************
The current issue is Geez 28 “Autonomous Together,” which is our exploration of the merits of anarchy, with a special emphasis on the Christian anarchy promoted by our friends at Jesus Radicals (see their web page here ). For example, Mark Van Steenwyk gives an introduction to Christian anarchy here, and co-founder Nekeisha Alexis-Baker reflects on the first 10 years of Jesus Radicals here.

A hot spot in the issue is the intentionally contrarian (i.e., non-anarchist) article by evangelical scholar John G. Stackhouse, Jr., “A dash of cold water for Christian anarchism” (see the link here ). The last time I checked there were 19 entries in the comments section (click on the link at the end), including a few polite insults one to another, and some argument over Jacques Ellul and whether his anarchism was based on enough of the Bible (the latest word was “yes”).

In two short months, we unveil the first-ever Geez magazine written by a cast of all-women contributors. Back when we started this magazine, even though we were affirming of female inclusion, we were man-heavy: Will and I (Aiden) were the editors and Darryl was the designer. For the next issue, our current co-editor, Melanie, and guest editor Miriam Meinders will assign and edit stories. Melody Morrissette is the guest designer (Darryl’s taking a much-needed rest) and Aiden is in the background helping with layout and logistics. Plus, our section editors – for Culturosities (Katie), Experiments (Rachel), Civil Disobedience (Chris) and Reviews (Kurt) – have intentionally made all their assignments to women. It’s about feminism (surprise!). We’ll find fresh relevance and consider past triumphs and challenges ahead. Watch for the 12 marks of a Christian feminist consciousness.

Now that the digital revolution is almost complete, print as a means of communication can hunker down and take its place as the preferred medium for self-development, solace and reflection. At least that’s my opinion. While I agree that email is convenient, social media is handy and virtual books are featherlite, I’m not convinced that digital reality will be our saving grace. In this day and age of progress, it feels counterintuitive to say this, but I’m dedicated to the burden of physicality.

This is an important time for magazines, and most are moving to the cyber side of the digital divide. As an activist-oriented magazine, we cannot abandon the power of connecting people through digital communication. So, reluctantly, I agree that Facebook, Twitter, email, blogs, YouTube, etc. are all unavoidable vehicles for getting the word out and building solidarity (I guess). But I’m heavily invested in the sense of rejuvenation offered by offline experiences. In that regard I see Geez as an offline oasis. I welcome feedback and advice from readers. How do you experience Geez? Do you see it as this? Let me know. – Aiden Enns
Aiden Enns
Publisher, Co-editor
Geez magazine
400 Edmonton Street
Winnipeg MB R3B 2M2 Canada
e: aiden{at}geezmagazine{dot}org
ph: (204) 772-9610

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1 Comment

  1. After all these years away from Geez, I hear you (Aiden) on the radio, then an email out of the blue…. It’s a sign, I know it!

    Marcus Peterborough, ON December 20th, 2012 12:50pm

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